Healthy Options 6/2/21: The Many Facets of Hospice Care

Host/Producer: Rhonda Feiman
Co-Producer: Petra Hall
Technical assistance: Joel Mann & Amy Browne

The many facets of hospice care, with a focus on the surprisingly diverse roles played by hospice volunteers; also, separating myth from fact, starting with the misconception that hospice is “just” all about death and dying.

1. What do hospice volunteers do? How is what they do, different from what is generally offered in a hospice program?
2. What services do you offer that might surprise our listeners?
3. People have the idea that hospice is all about death and dying. Why isn’t that accurate?
4. How does hospice programming enhance living?
5. What are some of the basic legal issues that all of us need to consider, to ensure our wishes are known, for end-of-life care?
6. What kind of training is required to become a hospice volunteer?
7. How did training as a hospice volunteer change your attitude about life and living fully?

Jody Wolford-Tucker, Executive Director of Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County, Maine, who has worked to create and nurture community partnerships for hospice care since 2006.

Websites of Interest:
Hospice of Hancock County
Online Resources from Hospice of Hancock County

About the host:
Rhonda Feiman is a nationally-certified, licensed acupuncturist practicing in Belfast, Maine since 1993. She primarily practices Toyohari Japanese acupuncture, using gentle and powerful non-insertion needle techniques, and also utilizes Chinese acupuncture and herbology. In addition, Rhonda is a practitioner of Qi Gong and an instructor of Tai Chi Chuan in the Yang Family tradition.