Healthy Options 12/4/19: Resiliency training in the schools: Changing the landscape of addiction

Host/Producer: Rhonda Feiman
Co-Producer: Petra Hall
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

What do we mean when we speak of resilience?
What are some simple techniques that we all can practice to become more resilient?
How do kids respond to these techniques?
How does resiliency training help reduce substance use, misuse, & addiction?
How does resiliency training help reduce incidents of bullying?
What can adults learn from these techniques and why should everyone practice these techniques?
What is positive social development and why is it important to individuals and our communities?

Guest: Tara Young, the Drug Free Communities Program Coordinator for Healthy Acadia, in Hancock and Washington Counties. She is certified as a Prevention Specialist and a Master Resilience Trainer, and conducts trainings to educate youth, parents, professionals and community members about positive social development, and about the physical and behavioral health risks associated with substance use, misuse and addiction. She uses resiliency training in schools to help students learn tools that can reduce the risks of addictive behavior and substance abuse. [email protected].

Websites of Interest:

Initiatives: Positive Social Development – Healthy Acadia

Initiatives: Preventing Substance Misuse – Healthy Acadia


Dimensions of Prevention_School Offerings-20
Dimensions of Substance Prevention_In-service Trainings
Youth Resilience Presentations color