The Cosmic Curator 3/4/23: A Look at the Stars for the Week Ahead

Welcome to March. The month where winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward.
The month began with Venus and Jupiter in Pisces… And Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius. When two or more planets are in the same sign, its considered difficult and is called a planetary war. The “War” is for dominance. Planets like to express the energy of a sign but when another planet is close by, it weakens the expression. Think of it as though you were quietly sitting at home when suddenly a crowd appeared…

About the Host:
Tom Yaroschuk is a Vedic Astrologer. His intention is to help people understand their karma and the issues they may confront to cultivate more fulfilling lives. Tom is writing a memoir of the spiritual lessons derived from his work in a Homeless Day Center in between a career as an award winning television and documentary producer.