The Cosmic Curator 3/18/23: Behold the Dreamer Cometh

This is your Cosmic Curator, Tom Yaroschuk, with a look at the stars for today, Saturday March 18th and the week ahead.

The day begins with Pisces rising at this hour. Pisces, the mutable water sign represented by two fish swimming is opposite directions. The symbolism is all about this world of materialism and that world of spirit. Pisces is where love for all is born, where imagination is powerful, the oneness and connection of life is most evident. That famous Pisces Albert Einstein believed imagination was more important than knowledge. He also said time was an illusion…

About the Host:
Tom Yaroschuk is a Vedic Astrologer. His intention is to help people understand their karma and the issues they may confront to cultivate more fulfilling lives. Tom is writing a memoir of the spiritual lessons derived from his work in a Homeless Day Center in between a career as an award winning television and documentary producer.