The Cosmic Curator 3/11/23: A Look at the Stars for Today & the Days Ahead

This is your Cosmic Curator with a look at the stars for today Saturday March 11th and the days ahead.

It’s a rare event in the sky right now – but three planets are changing signs in the next few days. When a planet changes signs, its like moving. All your stuff is boxed up and you have yet to unpack. A planet is unstable, meaning that it cannot express its energies. Kind of like trying to drive up Caterpiller Hill without snow tires after a blizzard. Traction comes later when the planet moves into a sign…

About the Host:
Tom Yaroschuk is a Vedic Astrologer. His intention is to help people understand their karma and the issues they may confront to cultivate more fulfilling lives. Tom is writing a memoir of the spiritual lessons derived from his work in a Homeless Day Center in between a career as an award winning television and documentary producer.