The Cosmic Curator 1/7/23

Good Morning People!
And a very Happy New Year to all.
This is your Cosmic Curator, Tom Yaroschuk with a look at the stars for today January 7th.

Last night, we had a brilliant full moon in the sign of Gemini.
Full moons bring the energy of illumination.
And this one falls on the day celebrated as the Epiphany, when the Three wise men arrived at the new born Christ child. Its also Known as 12th night. Spiritual Traditions hold that this period is full of illuminating energies that can penetrate the mystery of life to answer the big questions – why are we here and just what are we supposed to be doing…

About the Host:
Tom Yaroschuk is a Vedic Astrologer. His intention is to help people understand their karma and the issues they may confront to cultivate more fulfilling lives. Tom is writing a memoir of the spiritual lessons derived from his work in a Homeless Day Center in between a career as an award winning television and documentary producer.