The Cosmic Curator 11/26/22

This is your Cosmic Curator. Tom Yaroschuk, with a look at the starsfor today, Saturday November 26 th 2022.
Here’s hoping you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It is perfectly scheduled to always fall on Jupiter’s Day – Thursday.
The energy of Thanksgiving is perfectly Jupiterian – Gratitude, socially accepted, over indulgence, charity, and of course football with ancient rivalries – These qualities are governed by Jupiter, the great benefic. Now with Jupiter in Pisces, one of its two home signs, it is channeling its energies full on and over the brim…

About the Host:
Tom Yaroschuk is a Vedic Astrologer. His intention is to help people understand their karma and the issues they may confront to cultivate more fulfilling lives. Tom is writing a memoir of the spiritual lessons derived from his work in a Homeless Day Center in between a career as an award winning television and documentary producer.