Coastal Conversations 2/24/23: On the Water in Belfast Harbor

Producer/Host: Natalie Springuel

Coastal Conversations: Conversations with people who live, work, and play on the Maine coast, hosted by the University of Maine Sea Grant Program.

This month:
High School students on a fishing boat deploying spat collectors, or mesh bags, into the water column to collect baby scallops. Science teachers and their students hauling line onto a work boat to examine the growth rate on their kelp farm. Locals learning from a seasoned Maine guide to row a traditional dory, emulating how generations of Maine fishermen and sailors have moved around the harbor. The composition of mariners in Belfast Bay may have been changing in the last few decades, but their passion for these waters is no less real.

Today, our show features four people who are involved in really cool work connected to our local seas, either as teachers, students, or guides. All four of our guests happen to be women, and each of them bring to their learning and their work a commitment to the protection of this place and its people.

Today we hear from the owner of DoryWoman Rowing, as well as a high school student, and two science teachers, who all use the local waters as their classroom, their workspace and their happy place.

Nicolle Littrell, founder of DoryWoman Rowing, Open Water Rower, Licensed Maine Guide, Filmmaker and Photographer.

Lindsey Schortz, Science instructor and member of the team for the Belfast Marine Institute at Belfast Area High School (BAHS) and a teacher at BCOPE (Belfast Community Outreach Program in Education), an alternative high school program.

Genna Black, Science teacher with the Marine Institute at Belfast Area High School

Mia Fay, high school senior in the BCOPE program (Belfast Community Outreach Program in Education), Belfast Area High School’s alternative high school program.

Other credits:

About the host:

Natalie Springuel has hosted Coastal Conversation’s since 2015, with support from the University of Maine Sea Grant where she has served as a marine extension associate for 20 years. In 2019, Springuel received an award for Public Affairs programming from the Maine Association of Broadcasters for the Coastal Conversations show called “Portland’s Working Waterfront.” Springuel is passionate about translating science, sharing stories, and offering a platform for multiple voices to weigh in on complex coastal and ocean issues. She has recently enrolled in audio production training at Maine Media Workshop to dive deeper into making great community radio.