Coastal Conversations 2/25/22: Maine Working Waterfronts 2022

Producer/Host: Natalie Springuel

Working waterfronts are those spaces along the shoreline that connect land and sea; places that provide critical access for people who make their living on the water.

Pressure on working waterfronts is on the rise again here in Maine, due to a bunch of reasons, not the least of which is the increasing real estate market triggered by the global pandemic.
We explore the threats to Maine’s working waterfronts, who is most affected, and what might be done about those threats.
We explore statewide policy questions and how this issue is playing out on the ground, specifically in the case of one town grappling with change, Bar Harbor.


Val Peacock, Bar Harbor resident, Town Councilor and Harbor Committee member
Nick Battista, Senior Policy Officer, Island Institute
Merritt T. Carey, Esq, author of The Critical Nature of Maine’s Working Waterfronts and Access to the Shore

About the host:
Natalie Springuel has hosted Coastal Conversation’s since 2015, with support from the University of Maine Sea Grant where she has served as a marine extension associate for 20 years. In 2019, Springuel received an award for Public Affairs programming from the Maine Association of Broadcasters for the Coastal Conversations show called “Portland’s Working Waterfront.” Springuel is passionate about translating science, sharing stories, and offering a platform for multiple voices to weigh in on complex coastal and ocean issues. She has recently enrolled in audio production training at Maine Media Workshop to dive deeper into making great community radio.