Climate & Community 2/15/24: Coastal Flooding Community Science during February High Water

Host: Brianna Cunliffe
Description: Climate & Community covers the community meet-ups organized by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute to collect resident observations of flooding at sites up and down the Maine Coast during February’s high water events this past weekend, and speaks with Sarah White, a resident and volunteer, on the impacts she has witnessed to the preserve where she keeps a garden plot and the importance of the surrounding salt marsh for the landscape’s resilience.
Johannah, Brianna, Tanvi, Gus, Corey, and Beth are the team at A Climate to Thrive, a nonprofit working to build a model of community-driven, solutions-focused climate action. Since its origins around a potluck table as concerned neighbors gathered to take action on climate change, A Climate to Thrive, or ACTT, has been supporting solutions on Mount Desert Island and beyond since 2016. Learn more at