Indigenous Voices 05/16/06

Hosts: Rhonda Frey and Meredith DeFrancesco
Guests: John Banks, Director of Natural Resources Department at the Penobscot Nation; Scott Hall, Manager of Environmental Services for Pennsylvania Power and Light (PPL); and Laura Rose Day, Director of the Penobscot River Restoration trust
Topic: The Penobscot River Restoration Project- Dam Removal
How will dam removal effect fish restoration in the Penobscot River?
How will dam removal effect tribal culture and fishing rights?
How can industry, state and federal agencies, environmental groups and private sector work effectively with tribes?

Boat Talk 05/09/06

Boat Talk 05/09/06 Hour long call in show Hosts: Alan Sprague and Mike Joyce Guests: Wes Shaw, MDI Water Taxi, Mark Rohrig, Wheelsea School Bus, and Mark Jackson, Vinalhave Marine Tech. Ed. Topics: Wheelsea school bus circumnavigation, ethanol and biodiesel marine use, Vinalhaven marine tech boat project, water taxi stories What are the implications of alternative marine fuels? What is going on with the Vinalhaven school program that’s fixing up a steel boat they will sail to Florida? What is Elizabeth Taylor like without makeup?

Healthy Options 05/03/06

Host Andree Bella interviews Dr. Christiane Northrup about her book “Mother-Daughter Wisdom: Understanding the Crucial Link Between Mothers, Daughters and Health” What is the link between mothers and daughters that is so important for good physical and mental health? What can you tell us about your views on c-sections, post-partum depression and vaccinations? How does a mother help her daughter develop positive, empowering relationships? And when a daughter “dumps on Mom” how would a mother handle this?