Healthy Options 06/07/06

Host: Rhonda Feiman, Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Topic: Illness and Intuition: the brain and the mind/body connection
Guest: Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz, noted neuropsychiatrist, scientist and medical intuitive. Dr. Schultz is the author of Awakening Intuition and the new Feminine Brain: How Women Can Develop Their Inner Strengths, Genius and Intuition

How are physical symptoms often an expression of, and signal of, some emotional imbalance?
How do our bodies signal imbalances in our lives?
How can attitudes and beliefs be changed in order to live balanced and healthy life?

WERU Special 06/05/06: Ray McGovern, Former CIA Agent

Producer: John Greenman

Ray McGovern is a former CIA analyst who used to brief President George
H.W. Bush on inlelligence matters.
For the last 3 years, since leaving the CIA in protest, he’s been
speaking “truth to power”, even confronting Donald Rumsfeld recently
about why he had lied to help get the US to invade Iraq.
McGovern spoke in Maine on May 26th, and here’s your chance to hear what he said.

RadioActive 06/01/06

Hosts: Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco
Topics: Sears Island steering committee; LD1481
How was the Sears Island steering committee re-formed to be more inclusive of interests beyond commerce and government agency representatives?
How do locals feel Sears Island should be “used”?
Why is LD1481 so important to both anti-sprawl activists and proponents of citizens rights to petition government?

WERU Special 5/30/06: Camden Conference

Producer: Jim Campbell

Most Americans have begun to pay attention to China only in the last decade as China has become an economic power in the world. But there are another 5000 years of Chinese history. At the 2006 Camden Conference, Prof. Michael Tsin took on the unenviable task of highlighting the events from that history that have brought China to its place in the world today – in one talk! 5000 years in 55 minutes – hold on!

Talk of the Towns 05/26/06

Topic: Maine Legislative Review 2006
What is the work of citizenship in following complex public issues
before the Legislature?
What were some of the highlights and disappointments of this past
legislative session?
What was some of the background to legislation under consideration,
including expanded internet access for rural residents, protection of
wetlands and vernal pools, incineration of demolition and construction
waste, restrictions in licenses for elver fishing, maintenance of roads
and bridges, reimbursements to hospitals for Medicare related expenses
and assurances that Maine people don’t loose benefits due to the
Medicare Part D federal legislation on pharmeceuticals.
Guests: Senator Dennis Damon (D), Trenton Senator Richard Rosen, (R) Bucksport
Representative Hannah Pingree, (D) North HavenRepresentative Ted Koffman (D) Bar Harbor
Hosts: Ron Beard Jill Goldthwait

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 05/25/06

This edition of the Electronic Cottage begins a series on keeping your
business in the digital realm your business and not the government’s or some
other busybody’s. We start by taking a look at the development of
cryptography, a way to hide or disguise messages so that only the intended
recipient can understand them. In these days of the surveillance society, a
little personal cryptography might not be a bad thing.