Let’s Talk About It 12/10/21: The Effect of Domestic Violence on the Children

Producer/Host: Patrisha McLean
Production assistance:
Tammy Oropesa
Jackie Lee McLean

Let’s Talk About It: Conversations with Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Shelly Edwards-Jorgensen
, author of the memoir Beautiful Ashes, talks about growing up with a charismatic, violent father and her healing journey after he killed her mother and burned their house down. More information can be found here: www.beautifulashesmemoir.com

Topics include:
How children suffer in homes where there is domestic violence, no justice in the courts, healing from trauma.

About the host:
Patrisha McLean is the founder/president of Finding Our Voices, the grass roots survivor-powered non profit organization breaking the silence of domestic abuse one conversation and community at a time all across Maine.