Climate & Community 6/27/24: Heat Waves & Cooling Centers

Host: Brianna Cunliffe

Description: Climate & Community covers June’s record-breaking heat wave that brought sweltering temperatures to Maine communities, giving us a taste of climate impacts to come, and challenging a state where peoples’ bodies and communities’ infrastructure is unprepared for climbing temperatures. We discuss how several towns across the state are leveraging climate resilience funding to create cooling centers or other places of refuge to help the most vulnerable among us cope with these impacts. To find a cooling center near you, visit:

Johannah, Brianna, Tanvi, Gus, Corey, and Beth are the team at A Climate to Thrive, a nonprofit working to build a model of community-driven, solutions-focused climate action. Since its origins around a potluck table as concerned neighbors gathered to take action on climate change, A Climate to Thrive, or ACTT, has been supporting solutions on Mount Desert Island and beyond since 2016. Learn more at