Common Ground Radio 7/4/14

Producer/Host: C.J. Walke
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Organic Food and Farming in Maine

Program Topic: Permaculture as a Design Process

Key Discussion Points:
a) Permaculture as a systems approach
b) Permaculture ethics and activities
c) Statewide resources and gatherings

A) Lisa Fernandes, Executive Director, The Resilience Hub
B) Jesse Watson, Principle Designer, Mid-Coast Permaculture

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 7/3/14

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Law is one place where the physical world and the digital world exist in a very rickety tension these days. If it was ever true that “on the Internet, no one knows if you are a dog,” it isn’t true any more. For better or worse, government can use laws written long before the Internet existed to find out pretty near anything about anybody in cyberspace, as these recent court cases illustrate,

Healthy Options 7/2/14

Host and Producer: Cynthia Swan
Engineer: Joel Mann

Program Topic: “Go Wild: Free your Body and Mind from the Afflictions of Civilization”

Key Discussion Points:
a) What does it mean to Go Wild? How does one do it?
B We’ve been told that obesity happens because we consume more calories than we burn. Why do you call this a myth? What evidence substantiates this?
c) What is the ketogenic diet? Why is this considered a hunter/gather diet?
d) You say sleep cures depression, how is this so?
e) What is “mindfulness” from the hunter/gather’s perspective? Why is it important?

Richard Manning, award-winning journalist, co-author of Go Wild
Author of “Against the Grain”, “One Round River” and several pieces in the New York and LA Times.